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Nice to meet you!

Hi, I am Vysali Somanchi, a UX Designer  & I do a little bit of a lot.

5 Facts about me

I love vegetables 

Beers in the day over shots in the night

Love being fit

as much as I love

ice cream

My Netflix vibe -

sitcoms, all things crime & mystery

The next thing on my mind is always

a vacation

Let's get to to the point...

Some work that has the potential to catch your attention

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UX Design, UX Writing

UX Research, Design & Testing

[Mockup] iPhone 1outside5.png

UX Design

To my surprise, I published two articles as well

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This article is a fun & very real take that follows my process of writing an article. I used the design process to identify how to crack this tough cookie of writing. I also discovered that my style of writing is to write like I talk.

The Art, Science & Psychology of Article Writing 

Vysali Somanchi | 14 December 2022

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Airborne Agonies

A UX designer’s review of air travel

I often find that flying has been made intentionally difficult for us. As a designer, whose way of living is by taking almost 8 to 10 flights a year, I spot many opportunities to make this experience better for passengers & that’s what this article is about.

Vysali Somanchi | 10 March 2024

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